Below are the dates for Parentcraft Classes in 2019. The classes run from 7:00pm - 9:00pm.
Parentcraft Classes are now delivered on alternative months between Magherafelt and Cookstown, due to Trust staff shortage.
On 16th & 23rd January,
20th & 27th March,
15th & 22nd May,
17th & 24th July,
18th & 25th September,
13th & 20th November 2019
Parentcraft Classes will be held at Ward 5, Thompson House, Mid Ulster Hospital, Magherafelt.
Classes will be held at Loy Buildings, 18-24 Loy St, Cookstown on the following dates:
20th & 27th February
17th & 24th April
19th & 26th June
21st & 28th August
16th & 23rd October
11th & 18th December 2019.
Gold Community Partnership Surestart & Parentcraft Room
Loy Buildings Thompson House
18-24 Loy Street Mid-Ulster Hospital
Cookstown Magherafelt
BT80 8PE BT45 8PE